Let's do it in a test-driven way!
Failing test case
Add a file called HelloWorld.txt. This is our robot test suite file.
Add following text to the file:
*** Test Cases ***
Hello World
After this run
pybot HelloWorld.txt
- this will execute your Hello World test case.Output should be something like:
HelloWorld | FAIL |
No keyword with name 'Hello World' found.
HelloWorld | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Now we have a failing test case! So we can begin to implement our super cool Hello World keyword.
Keyword file
Add a file called HelloWorld.py to the same directory as our HelloWorld.txt test suite.
Add following text to the file:
def hello_world():
print "HELLO WORLD!"
Now we have implemented our fine keyword that prints "HELLO WORLD!". Although our test still fails..
Passing test case
We have to import our super cool library to our test suite. Add following lines to the HelloWorld.txt (before test cases):
*** Settings ***
Library HelloWorld.py
After this run
pybot HelloWorld.txt
- and watch it PASS:==============================================================================
HelloWorld | PASS |
HelloWorld.HelloWorld | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
HelloWorld | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Thats it.
Easy to understand and very useful
It didn't work for me at first because I had typed in my HelloWorld.txt file instead of cut-and-paste. The key thing I missed was that under the *** Settings *** section, there must be more than one space between "Library" and "HelloWorld.py" --this is because it is parsed as a "table" using the rules laid out elsewhere in the Robot Framework docs.
wow..it worked...extremely useful..i could learn the basics clearly
Great clearly worked fine :)
Where does it print to?
Haris, the printed message goes to Robot's log file.
For anyone interested in creating test libraries, here's a simple demo project that illustrates it in practice:
Other Robot Framework demos, docs, etc. can be found via http://robotframework.org.
Thank you. Simplest of all, but extremely helpful. Cleared all basics.
Hello, I'm a new in a Robot and will ask possible stupid questions.
I do not understand relation between file with python code and actual robot's file.
I'm assuming I should expect HELLO WORLD! string in output, but I got HELLO WORLD, no explanation mark "!"
Is this possible create example where in a python I have function open URL and then another function with LogIn and Password variable. And "robot" file should run the login test and verify if this step was successful?
I think this example will be more usable and helpful.
many thanks!
D: When you say "output", do you mean logs, reports, or the console output? The message logged with `print "HELLO WORLD!"` goes only into the generated log file. What you see on the console are test suite and test case names. Error messages would be shown there too.
Examples opening browsers etc. are out of the scope of this very simple demo. Instead you can study the demo projects available here: http://robotframework.org/#documentation
Hi, If i have a .py file with multiple classes in it. How to add individual class to the .robot file. I tried using FileName.ClassName convention it is not working for me. Please help.
Thank you. Very good example. I'm a newbie and I got it! Thanks again.
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